2021 Global Results!
7,509 Sighthounds (467 of those waiting to be adopted)
343 Global Walks
26 Countries
132 Rescues / Organisations participated
Public Walks 237 (69%)
Private Walks 106 (31%)
6 Kennel Walks (167 sighthounds waiting to be adopted)
93 Walks with 2 sighthounds or less (145 sighthounds) 27% of walks
73 Walks with 3-10 sighthounds (458 sighthounds) 21% of walks
Number of Sighthounds and Walks by Country
Australia 846 sighthounds (41 walks) The Netherlands 1 sighthound (1 walk)
New Zealand 502 sighthounds (24 walks) Norway 8 sighthounds (1 walk)
Canada 159 sighthounds (8 walks) Serbia 18 sighthounds (1 walk)
USA 1030 sighthounds (51 walks) Slovenia 18 sighthounds (1 walk)
South America 1 sighthound (1 walk) Spain 1 sighthound (1 walk)
Austria 59 sighthounds (2 walks) Sweden 21 sighthounds (3 walks)
Belgium 89 sighthounds (4 walks) Switzerland 7 sighthounds (1 walk)
Czech Republic 169 sighthounds (8 walks) Philippines 1 sighthound (1 walk)
France 2 sighthounds (1 walk) South Africa 52 sighthounds (2 walks)
Germany 237 sighthounds (15 walks) Northern Ireland 137 sighthounds (2 walks)
Republic Of Ireland 228 sighthounds (9 walks) Scotland 315 sighthounds (14 walks)
Italy 93 sighthounds (4 walks) Wales 130 sighthounds (6 walks)
Lithuania 2 sighthounds (1 walk) England 3,383 sighthounds (140 walks)
Records Broken!
Largest number of registered walks! (276 was 2019 record)
Largest number of Countries participating (22 was 2018 record)
2 Countries had a GGGW in all States/Counties (Australia & England)
1st ever GGGW’s in – Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland, South Africa
1st ever GGGW’s in – Delaware, Indiana, Maine USA, Saskatchewan Canada, Gisborne, West Coast New Zealand