England, Cumbria, Carlisle

Address Castle Car Park, Devonshire Walk, Carlisle, CA3 8UL
PostcodeCA3 8UL
What 3 WordsGuitar Lungs Jokes
Type of Walk Public Group Walk - Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family
Start time11:00 am
DurationAbout 2 hours
Meeting pointCastle Car Park, Devonshire Walk, Carlisle CA3 8ULIt's the largest car park right next to Carlisle Castle, alongside the railway.
Parking1-2 hours £2.20 2-3 hours £2.60 £3 all day
Rescue / Organisation / Walking Group NameDumfriesshire and Cumbria Greyhound Rescue
Organiser Websitehttps://dcgr.org.uk/
Walk Leader NameHelen Michael
Short Walk AvailableYes
Cafe or refreshments AvailableYes
Suitable for Buggies & WheelchairsNo
Toilet facilitiesYes
Additional InformationFinishes at a dog friendly cafe which will hopefully be open on the day. Toilets available at the end.