England, Hampshire, Stockbridge

Address Danebury Hill Fort. Kentsboro Road, Middle Wallop
PostcodeSO20 8HQ
Type of Walk Public Group Walk - Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family
Start time10:00 am
DurationApproximately 1 hour.
Meeting pointDanebury Hill Fort, bottom car park just left of entry point. SO20 8HQ is the post code to use to put you on the right road, the signage for Danebury Hill Fort site visible from the road.
ParkingCar parking currently free.
Walk Leader NameDavid Woods
Contact Telephone07875028427
Short Walk AvailableNo
Cafe or refreshments AvailableNo
Suitable for Buggies & WheelchairsNo
Toilet facilitiesNo
Additional InformationDanebury can be somewhat muddy in places if there’s been inclement weather also there’s a ‘kissing gate’ to negotiate. If the weather permits there maybe a small picnic afterwards.Being an historical and SSSI no BBQ’s allowed.