Address | Manningtree Road Ipswich, Stutton Suffolk |
Postcode | IP9 2TA |
Type of Walk | Public Group Walk - Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family |
Start time | 10:00 am |
Duration | Long walk - approx 1 hour 30 mins. Short walk 20 - 30 mins. Please bring water for your dogs if you are on the long walk. |
Meeting point | Community Centre |
Parking | There is free parking at the community centre. You can also use the Alton Water car park if the Community Centre car park is full. Please note there are charges to park at Alton Water (£2 per hour, cash or card I believe) and it is an approx 10-15 min walk from the Alton Water car park to the community centre. If you have parked at Alton Water, come out of the main car park towards the main road. Turn right at the main road. Walk for 5-10 mins and you will see the community centre on the right hand side. Hopefully with a group of Sighthounds! |
Rescue / Organisation / Walking Group Name | Greyhound Walks |
Walk Leader Name | Hannah |
Short Walk Available | Yes |
Cafe or refreshments Available | Yes |
Suitable for Buggies & Wheelchairs | No |
Toilet facilities | Yes |
Additional Information | Teas / Coffees / Cakes and Biscuits will be available in the Community Centre after the walk. There will also be a doggie tombola, games and a raffle. |