England, Surrey, Guildford

Address Newlands Corner
PostcodeGU4 8SE
What 3 Wordsjust.renew.assure
Type of Walk Public Group Walk - Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family
Start time10:00 am
Meeting pointNewlands Corner
ParkingPlenty of free parking
Rescue / Organisation / Walking Group NameCelia Cross Greyhound Trust
Organiser Websitehttps://celiacross.org.uk/
Walk Leader NameJane Thompson
Contact Telephone07827 650950
Short Walk AvailableYes
Cafe or refreshments AvailableYes
Suitable for Buggies & WheelchairsNo
Toilet facilitiesYes
Additional InformationPlenty of space to chill out and have a picnic. Raffle Hot beverages available after walk