Address | Parco Pellerina Torino Piedmont |
Postcode | 10151 |
What 3 Words | Nasilunghi Torino Pellerina |
Type of Walk | Public Group Walk - Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family |
Start time | 10:00 am |
Duration | around 2 hours |
Meeting point | Chiosco Laghetti Taormina Corso Regina Margherita 371 |
Parking | parking free Corso Regina Margherita |
Rescue / Organisation / Walking Group Name | Nasilunghi Torino |
Organiser Website | |
Walk Leader Name | Cristina Severina |
Contact Telephone | +393450478897 |
Secondary Contact Phone | +393290097477 |
Short Walk Available | Yes |
Cafe or refreshments Available | Yes |
Suitable for Buggies & Wheelchairs | Yes |
Toilet facilities | Yes |
Additional Information | lungo il percorso panchine, fontane, aree verdi e aree cani, sentieri in terra battuta e asfalto percorso lungo strade pedonali da 0-90anni, né affollato né rumoroso, modificabile secondo meteo ed esigenze motorie. |