United States, Michigan, West Bloomfield Township

Address Marshbank Park 2805 Hiller Rd.
West Bloomfield Township
What 3 WordsAt our banner!
Type of Walk Public Group Walk - Sighthounds Only
Start time10:00 am
DurationApproximately 1 hour
Meeting pointSecond parking lot on the left at the top of the hill. Well have a GEM banner displayed at the entrance of This parking area!
ParkingNo fee to park
Rescue / Organisation / Walking Group NameGreytHounds of Eastern Michigan
Organiser Websitehttps://gemgreyhounds.org/
Walk Leader NameBrooke Stumpf
Contact Telephone2484200567
Secondary Contact Phone9479995000
Short Walk AvailableYes
Cafe or refreshments AvailableNo
Suitable for Buggies & WheelchairsYes
Toilet facilitiesYes
Additional InformationThere are drinking fountains for people and for their dogs in front of the rest facilities! Beautiful paved walking trail with gently rolling hills, a portion through a wooded area with a wood chipped trail(optional) and a floating dock for the dogs to explore on the lake! Simply the most perfect park for our walk!