United States, Pennsylvania, Enola

Address Adams Ricci Park, 100 East Penn Drive
Type of Walk Public Group Walk - Sighthounds Only
Start time10:00 am
DurationOne hour, but feel free to stay around and socialize.
Meeting pointWe will meet at the pavillion next to the Caboose. The group will start together taking the short route but walkers are welcome to enjoy any of the walking paths.
ParkingPlenty of parking available around the park. There is a potential for soccer games that day so be prepared.
Walk Leader NameIlene Sauertieg
Contact Telephone717-379-8438
Secondary Contact Phone717-379-7519
Short Walk AvailableYes
Cafe or refreshments AvailableNo
Suitable for Buggies & WheelchairsYes
Toilet facilitiesYes
Additional InformationPlease make sure to bring poop bags along in case the dispenser at the park is empty. Also bring along water bowls and water. Muzzles if necessary.