Next Walk Date:  Sunday 28th September 2025! 

More information below:



Do you have a Sighthound?

(Greyhounds, Lurchers, Deerhounds, Salukis, Afghan Hounds, Italian Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, Podencos, Galgos, Whippets, Borzoi, Deerhounds, Sloughi etc)

We would love you to join us at the Great Global Greyhound Walk on 

Sunday 28th September 2025!

The ‘Great Global Greyhound Walk’ started in 2010, beginning as a UK event

In 2024, walk organisers created an event that saw 13,383 Sighthounds participate in 511 Walks across 42 Countries!

Would you like to be part of this growing Sighthound Spectacular?

It is easy, you simply chose where you want to walk, register your walk on our website and report the total number of Sighthounds who attended your walk to us on the day.

Check out our video:

It is really that easy!

If you would like to find out more, please find more information below. 

We really hope you can join us and show your Sighthounds off to the world!

Who is the event open to?

Anybody with a Sighthound!  Whether you want to organise a group walk or simply do your own walk with your Sighthound, everyone is welcome to join and be part of this fantastic event!

Do you have to pay to register / attend a walk?

No, this is a free event for all 

When do you have to walk?

To be included in the global count, your walk must be carried out on the same day as the annual event.  (Date above)

What time does your walk have to start? 

We have over 41 Countries taking part, due to the variation of temperatures across the world, we suggest that you start at a time suitable for the hounds.  i.e.  If it is going to be a hot day, it may be best to start earlier in the day.

How do you register your walk?

You can do this on our website:

Choose your walk type from the following 4 options:

  • Public Group Walk: Sighthounds Only – This walk will appear on the map and will be made public so others may join you
  • Public Group Walk: Sighthounds and other breeds from a Sighthound family – This walk will appear on the map and will be made public so others may join you
  • Private Walk: Just you and your hound(s) or you can invite some friends.  This walk will NOT appear on our map to ensure that the public will NOT see your walk and CAN NOT attend.  Your hounds will still count towards the global total.
  • Private Kennel Walk: For rehoming centres who are unable to bring their hounds to a public walk and waiting for their forever homes.  This walk will NOT appear on our map to ensure that the public will NOT see your walk and CAN NOT attend.  Your hounds will still count towards the global total.

What do you need to do after you have registered your walk?

Your walk registration will come through to the GGGW admin team.  Within 24 hours of receiving your registration we will publish your walk and you will receive an email from us. 

Public Walk:

If you have registered a PUBLIC WALK, you will see a link to your walk in the email.  Please click on the link in the email.  This will show you the details of your walk which your walkers will see.  Please check the details are correct.  You will need to reply to this email to confirm that the details are correct or if any changes are needed.  It is important that the details on your walk listing are accurate as this is what your walkers will see. 

Private Walk:

If you have registered a PRIVATE WALK, you will simply need to reply to the email to confirm that we have the correct email address for you. 

We will email you on the THURSDAY or FRIDAY before the walk with instructions confirming how to let us know how many Sighthounds attended your walk, so it is important you reply to this email so we can confirm that we have the correct email address for you. 

How do you communicate your number of Sighthounds to us on the day of the walk?

You will receive an email the week before the walk.  You simply need to reply to this email, by 6pm on the day of the walk, with the TOTAL number of Sighthounds which attended your walk

When do you have to send us your walk numbers?

We ask that all figures are sent to us by 6pm your local time, on the day of the walk to ensure you are counted in the global total.  You will receive an email on the Thursday or Friday before the walk, this is the email that you need to reply to with the number of Sighthounds who attended your walk.  Your walk Location / Name will be in the subject of the email.  By replying to this email, this will help our volunteers put your walk numbers against the correct walk name.  If you have not received an email, please check your Spam or Junk folder.  If you do not have access to email before 6pm local time on the day of the walk, please let us know before the day so we can provide some options. 

Pictures of your hounds on the day

Please take pictures of your hounds at your walk.  You can post them to our Facebook page.  Please also email us your pictures if you would like to be added to our gallery, video or as countdown posters for the following year.  Feel free to dress your hounds or yourselves up!  Our Facebook page is alive with pictures of hounds on their walk on the day and it is fantastic to see the wonderful Sighthounds all around the world.  You can see photos from previous years walks in our gallery


We have a shop where you can buy merchandise for yourself or your hound for the day.  We have many items available.  If you are a walk organiser we offer bulk purchases at a wholesale price, please email us before placing an order on our website.  The shop will close 1 month before the walk so orders arrive before the walk. 

What we ask from you

  • Complete the registration form fully with as much detail as possible and ensure it is accurate before submitting (This is what your walkers will see if you register a Public Walk).
  • Reply to the email following your registration publication (if you haven’t received an email 24 hours after registering, please check your spam or junk folder).
  • Send us your walk numbers via email by 6pm your local time on the day of the walk.
  • Promote your walks locally.
  • Most importantly HAVE FUN and show the world that SIGHTHOUNDS MAKE GREAT PETS!

How we can help you

  • You can find our more information on our website and Facebook page
  • You can ask questions on our Facebook page and we can link you with a mentor
  • Your walks will be promoted on our map with links to your walk details
  • Once registered, you can join our walk organiser Facebook page
  • Our volunteers are here to help you with any part of your walk from general moral support, ideas making it a bigger event to helping to do a risk assessment if you are asked for one
  • If you have any further questions, you can email us on [email protected]

Will you have Sighthounds looking for a home attending your walk?

If so, why not drop us an email with a picture and write up about your Sighthounds along with the walk you will be attending.  We will then advertise them on our Facebook page. You never know, someone may join your walk and fall in love!  Several hounds have found their forever homes at the Great Global Greyhound Walk.  You can see some of the stories on our website under ‘homed hounds’.

Rehoming / Organisations / Walking Groups  Participating

When you register a walk and are part of an organisation, we will add your organisation on to our website with a link to your website / Facebook page.  You can see which organisations participated at the previous walk. 

Other Information

Some of our walk organisers turn their walks into a full morning / day event.  Some have stalls, bake cakes, sell teas & coffees, hold raffles sell merchandise etc.  You can make your event as big or small as you like.  This event is suitable for organisations to make a full day of it or simply any owner who would like to take their hound for a walk from their own home, but everyone can feel that they are a part of a global event.  For the non breed specific rehoming organisations, why not hold a ‘Sighthound Sunday’ and promote your hounds locally.  We have a ‘more info’ field on the registration form so you can detail any other plans you have for the day and local walkers will be able to see this.  You may have some new walkers join you!

What else we offer outside of the walk

If you have a local Sighthound walking group (or an all breeds walking group that includes Sighthounds).  We are happy to add this to our list of walks.  We promote this page outside of the global walk, so you may have others with Sighthounds join your walk.  You can find a list of walks outside of the global walk here: If you would like to add your walks to this page, please email us at [email protected]

Useful Links:

Our website 

Facebook Page 

Find your local walk here 

Register Your Walk

Walk Results

Hounds Homed who have attended a GGGW

Walk Gallery throughout the years 

Sighthound Walking Groups outside of the GGGW

Leaflets, Posters, Certificates and Handouts for your walk

GGGW Video

If you would like more details, would like any ideas or have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to read, we really hope you can join us at our 2025 event on

Sunday 28th September 2025!


organising a greyhound walk

Whether you use a megaphone, Hi-Viz coat or a stall it’s good to know who’s in charge.



Countdown to GGGW 2025