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Great Global Greyhound Walk

For a glimpse of what GGGW is all about, please view our 2024 promotional video here – Great Global Greyhound Walk.  Whats it all about?

The Great Global Greyhound Walk is an annual dog-walking event that brings together greyhounds, lurchers, other sighthounds and their owners to raise awareness of the breeds and show the public just what wonderful pets they make.

Become a part of the Great Global Greyhound Walk family, join in the fun and help us beat previous years totals whilst promoting sighthounds.

All the info you need can be found on this site but, for all the latest news, come and join us in our Facebook group.

In 2024, we had another record breaking year!

13,383 sighthounds walked around the globe across 511 walks in 42 countries!

Well done everyone!

In 2024 we welcomed Argentina, Bulgaria, Japan, Romania, Slovakia for the 1st time!  Along with 22 new Regions across the world!

Thanks also to all the walk organisers and walkers worldwide who contributed to such a great total.

The annual event aims to raise awareness of greyhounds, and their sighthound cousins, as great pets. Originally started in the UK, it is now very much a global affair.  This year, 511 walks took place, with more countries than ever before taking part.  From London to Auckland, Perth to New York, Cape Town to Dublin, hound owners walked ‘together’ on Sunday 29th September.

Highest attendance for a walk was 687 in Yorkshire, England, closely followed by 278 in Melville, Western Australia. What an amazing spectacle to see this amount of hounds together.  You can see the top 10 walks by ‘Globe’ and ‘Country’ here.

The Great Global Greyhound Walk 2025 will take place on Sunday 28th September, and the aim will be 14,000 hounds!

GGGW 2021 overview of results

2021 Global Results! 7,509 Sighthounds (467 of those waiting to be adopted) 343 Global Walks 26 Countries 132 Rescues / Organisations participated Public Walks 237 (69%) Private Walks 106 (31%) 6 Kennel Walks (167 sighthounds waiting to be adopted) 93 Walks with 2 sighthounds or less (145 sighthounds) 27% of walks 73 Walks with 3-10 […]

GGGW2021 huge success!

Following on from the cancellation last year due to Coronavirus, the Great Global Greyhound Walk of 2021 was a huge success. We asked everyone to join in with our theme of Bold and Blue, and they certainly did with many humans and hounds dressing up. The annual event aims to raise awareness of greyhounds, and […]

2021 GGGW Final Walk Numbers

Thanks also to all the walk organisers and walkers worldwide who contributed to such a great total despite COVID restrictions. 343 walks 7509 sighthounds walked, with 467 of those available for adoption/looking for homes. 3965 in the UK (3383 England), 1030 in the USA, 953 in Europe, (Austria, 59; Belgium, 89; Czech Republic, 169; France, […]

2020 GGGW VIRTUAL walk

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Global Greyhound Walk was cancelled in 2020. However, many people still walked ‘together’ in celebration of greyhounds on Sunday 4th October 2020. They may have been on their own or in small groups but by sending in their photos to our facebook page and via email, everyone joined […]

2020 Calendar Photo Competition

This is your chance to get your photo of your hound(s) in the inaugural GGGW calendar! With COVID-19 hitting charities hard, we aim to raise funds to help the sighthound re-homing centres cope at this awful time. Classes 1. Best Roach 2. Best Ears 3. Best Action 4. Best Christmas 5. Best snowy/winter 6. Most […]

Countdown to GGGW 2025