Super Shop Special – receive a free gift with any bandana purchased! Don’t forget the ‘Bling my Bandana’ Competition – bling up your bandana for a chance to win a £50 donation to a sighthound rescue of your choice plus loads of other great prizes.
Super Shop Special – receive a free gift with any bandana purchased! Don’t forget the ‘Bling my Bandana’ Competition – bling up your bandana for a chance to win a £50 donation to a sighthound rescue of your choice plus loads of other great prizes.
Our good friends Milgi Coats are making these special Union Jack coats especially for the Great British Greyhound Walk. Find them here and support our very special event.
Only 2 more shopping days for GBGW goods and we have Special Offers in the Bandana Shop – all wristbands are just 75p each, the lovely ‘blingable’ Surf White Bandanas are now £2.50 each and postage on all orders is just £1.00. The Embroidered t-shirt and Medal shops are now closed and although the ‘cloud’ […]
With 1 week 1 day to go for today only any order made in the Bandana, Wristband, Badge Shop will receive a free wristband! Pop a wristband in your basket use the code FREEBIE at checkout and it becomes free! (One per customer only.)
How do you get lurchers to pose in bandanas? With difficulty! How do you make a greyhound look happy in a bandana? With difficulty! How do you make an honorary greyhound look cute in a bandana? With difficulty? No quite easily!
We didn’t want the ‘other’ hounds to miss out on wearing bandanas at the walks so we have a very special “Honorary Greyhound” bandana for sale in the shop. Aaaaaand …. you can give them a bling and enter them into their own category in the ‘Bling my Bandana’ competition.
The stocks have arrived for 2014. Tropical coloured bandanas and wristbands and a classic GBGW pin badge. Stocks are limited so don’t delay! And don’t forget the ‘Bling my Bandana’ competition. Free to enter and wonderful prizes!